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ASHA Practitioner Training - Online Students

Private·18 members


🦋Welcome to the ASHA Online Sound Therapy Practitioner Training Discussion Group!

In this space you can connect with other ASHA members and students, get updates and share videos, information, tools, resources, insights and learnings from the modules and learning content.

You can also organise community meetups in your area for get togethers, comepleting case studies and practical components, organising study dates and all things useful to support you in your studies, growth, evolution and journey into the world of Sound Healing over this next 12 month period.

We're so excited to have you here! ⚡️

Welcome to this beautiful community of healers and radical change makers revolutinising the wellness industry with the power of Sound Healing 🌻


  • Private

    Only approved members can view this group.

  • Visible

    Shown to site visitors.

  • April 15, 2023


  • Created by

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